As the days get a little shorter and the fresh afternoon air greets you when you step outside, cozying up to a good book and a cup of coffee sounds like the perfect Fall day. Read on for a few of our picks, what we call “Lazy Day Lit.”
Something is enchanting about the idea of dropping everything and running away to start new. This classic will indulge that fantasy (or perhaps fuel it). This riveting story details the life of Christopher Johnson McCandless, who rids himself of his material possessions and the constraints that they held over him. Get lost on your own adventure in this book as it will strip reality out of your mind, and place you into the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest.
To Shake the Sleeping self Jedidiah Jenkins
This memoir has been called, “A soul-stirring read for the dreamer in each of us.” On the cusp of turning, 30 this Instagram influencer takes his bike on a 16 month journey from Oregon to Patagonia, southernmost tip of South America. This book details stories of knowledge he gathered and people he enountered along the 14,000 miles. This truly embodies the idea that, “You have to get lost to be found.”
Behind the crisp white tablecloths, the polished silver, and the perfectly crafted steak and cocktails, lies the secret world of the food and beverage industry. Tensions run high during service and when you put people under pressure in an environment with overflowing amounts of gluttony and liquor-You stand back and watch it simmer.
Who would’ve thought that a book about the modern phenomenon of ghosting would make the perfect book for a lazy Fall afternoon? It’s not just the story itself that’s good, but the storytelling. When you read each word, a vivid image plays in your head, and in each of the characters, you also see yourself. That’s because this my dear is modern romance. You may think, why read a book about reality? That’s because the truth is sometimes the most shocking and believe me, you don’t know the ending yet.
This book definitely blows the self-help genre out of the water. If the name is not already evidenced enough, then the peppering of swear words and her colorful wit will be. By unveiling her personal story, she sheds light on how our subconscious ideas of self are limiting our ability to live our best lives. In the end, You Are a Badass is like getting the most empowering pep talk from your favorite crazy aunt.